@hackage MonadLab0.0

Automatically generate layered monads


Requires GHC 6.8.3.

$ ./Setup.hs configure $ ./Setup.hs build $ sudo ./Setup.hs install


$ mlab [filename.mlab] -- generates "filename.hs"


Better documentation is forthcoming. Have a look at our Haskell Symposium paper for more information: http://monadgarden.cs.missouri.edu/MonadLab . Some examples are available in the "examples" directory.

Known bugs

  • The parser will fail if a monad specification contains nested parentheses, e.g. EnvT([(String,Int)]). You can work around this by declaring a type synonym for the type of the environment/state/etc.

  • ContT is currently broken due to a bug in Template Haskell's pretty-printer.