@hackage DSTM0.1

A framework for using STM within distributed systems

The Cabal library package

Installation instructions for the DSTM library

Installing as a user (no root or administer access)

ghc --make Setup
./Setup configure --user
./Setup build
./Setup install

Note the use of the --user flag at the configure step.

Compiling Setup rather than using runghc Setup is much faster and works on Windows. For all packages other than Cabal itself it is fine to use runghc.

This will install into $HOME/.cabal/ on unix and into $Documents and Settings\$User\Application Data\cabal\ on Windows If you want to install elsewhere use the --prefix= flag at the configure step.

Installing as root / Administrator

ghc --make Setup
./Setup configure
./Setup build
sudo ./Setup install

Compiling Setup rather than using runghc Setup is much faster and works on Windows. For all packages other than Cabal itself it is fine to use runghc.

This will install into /usr/local on unix and on Windows it will install into $ProgramFiles/Haskell. If you want to install elsewhere use the --prefix= flag at the configure step.


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Your Help

To help us in the next round of development work it would be enormously helpful to know from our users what their user experience is.