@hackage Agda2.2.0

A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant


We recommend that you install Agda 2 using a binary package. To install Agda 2 from source, proceed as follows:

(An appendix below lists a partial installation script for Ubuntu Linux.)

  1. Install prerequisites (recent versions of GHC, Alex, Happy and cabal-install, and perhaps also darcs, Emacs and haskell-mode).

    GHC: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ Alex: http://www.haskell.org/alex/ Happy: http://www.haskell.org/happy/ cabal-install: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ darcs: http://darcs.net/ GNU Emacs: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ haskell-mode: http://haskell.org/haskell-mode/ (version 2.1 or later)

    Note: If you are downloading a source tar-ball, then you do not need Alex, Happy or darcs.

    For non-Windows users: The development files for the C library zlib have to be installed (see http://zlib.net). Your package manager may be able to install these files for you. For instance, on Debian or Ubuntu it should suffice to run apt-get install zlib1g-dev as root to get the correct files installed.

  2. Download Agda 2, perhaps as follows:

    darcs get --partial http://code.haskell.org/Agda cd Agda

  3. If your system is Unix-like you can now hopefully install the Agda 2 library, batch-mode tool and Emacs mode by running

    make install PREFIX=

    (the PREFIX=<...> part can be omitted if the default location is OK for you).

    If your system is not sufficiently Unix-like, or you want to have more control, continue reading below.

  4. Build and install the Agda 2 library. If you want to install it in the default location (you may need root privileges for this), use the following command in the root of the Agda source tree:

    cabal install

    You can select another location for the installation of the library by using the following command:

    cabal install --prefix=

    You can also give other options to the installer, see the built-in documentation of cabal-install:

    cabal install --help

  5. If you want to use the Emacs mode (recommended), build and install it (see below).

  6. If you want to use the batch-mode Agda tool (not necessary), go to the src/main directory and run the following commands:

    cabal clean # To ensure recompilation when upgrading. cabal install

    (You can give options to cabal-install just as under step 2.)

    When upgrading Agda, note that the batch-mode tool also needs to be rebuilt.

To use the Agda 2 Emacs mode:

-1. Install Emacs.

(For non-Windows - jump down to **END OF "Under Windows ...") **Under Windows you may want to follow the following procedure:

  1. Install NTEmacs 22.

     Download from
     the self-extracting executable

     When executed, it asks where to extract itself.  This can be
     anywhere you like, but here we write the top directory for ntemacs as
     in the following.

     What follows is tested only on this version.  Other versions may
     work but you have to figure out yourself how to use Unicode fonts
     on your version.

  2. Install ucs-fonts and mule-fonts for emacs.

     Download from
     the tar file
     Let us write the top directory of extracted files as
     Next we create some derived fonts.
         cd c:/pkg/ucs-fonts/submission
         make all-bdfs
     This gives an error message about missing fonts, but ignore it.

     Download from
     the tar file
     The untarred top directory is named "packages", but we are only
     interested in the subdirectory "packages/fonts".  Let us assume
     we moved this subdirectory to

     Add the following to your .emacs

  ;;;;;;;;; start of quoted elisp code

  (setq bdf-directory-list

  (setq w32-bdf-filename-alist
        (w32-find-bdf-fonts bdf-directory-list))

      chinese-gb2312:-ISAS-Fangsong ti-Medium-R-Normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-GB2312.1980-0,
      " t)

  (setq font-encoding-alist
        (append '(
                  ("JISX0208" (japanese-jisx0208 . 0))
                  ("JISX0212" (japanese-jisx0212 . 0))
                  ("CNS11643.1992.1-0" (chinese-cns11643-1 . 0))
                  ("GB2312" (chinese-gb2312 . 0))
                  ("KSC5601" (korean-ksc5601 . 0))
                  ("VISCII" (vietnamese-viscii-lower . 0))
                  ("MuleArabic-0" (arabic-digit . 0))
                  ("MuleArabic-1" (arabic-1-column . 0))
                  ("MuleArabic-2" (arabic-2-column . 0))
                  ("muleindian-1" (indian-1-column . 0))
                  ("muleindian-2" (indian-2-column . 0))
                  ("MuleTibetan-0" (tibetan . 0))
                  ("MuleTibetan-1" (tibetan-1-column . 0))
                  ) font-encoding-alist))

  ;;;;;;; end of quoted elisp code

     To test the fonts, try

         M-x eval-expression RET
         (set-default-font "fontset-bdf") RET
         M-x view-hello-file

     You should see all the characters without white-boxes.

**END OF "Under Windows ..."

  1. Install Agda 2. (See above.)

  2. Copy the .el files in src/emacs-mode to some directory . Example installation:

    mkdir cp src/emacs-mode/*.el

  3. Add the following to your .emacs:

    (add-to-list 'load-path "") (require 'agda2)

    If you have already set up the suffix .agda for use with some other mode you may need to remove or alter that setting. You are encouraged to use the suffix .alfa for Agda 1 files.

    Now, if you open a file named XXX.agda the buffer will use agda2-mode. It may take 5 or 10 seconds before you see anything in the buffer, but that is normal.

  4. If you want to you can customise some settings. Just start Emacs and type the following:

    M-x load-library RET agda2-mode RET M-x customize-group RET agda2 RET

    This is useful if you want to change the Agda search path, in which case you should change the agda2-include-dirs variable.

  5. If you want some specific settings for the Emacs mode you can add them to agda2-mode-hook. For instance, if you do not want to use the Agda input method (for writing various symbols like ∀≥ℕ→π⟦⟧) you can add the following to your .emacs:

    (add-hook 'agda2-mode-hook '(lambda () ; If you do not want to use any input method: (inactivate-input-method) ; If you want to use the X input method: (set-input-method "X") ))

    A side note: In order to display Unicode characters you need to use a font which contains the glyphs in question. If such a font is not enabled by default (empty boxes are displayed instead of proper characters) you need to select another font. Do this by running M-x customize-face RET agda2-fontset-spec RET in Emacs (after you have started the Agda mode) and change the setting to a suitable font.

Appendix: Partial installation script for (at least) Ubuntu Linux

sudo apt-get install ghc6 happy alex darcs emacs haskell-mode zlib1g-dev wget http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-install-0.6.0.tar.gz tar xzf cabal-install-0.6.0.tar.gz cd cabal-install-0.6.0 . bootstrap.sh cd .. darcs get --partial http://code.haskell.org/Agda cd Agda sudo make install